Friday, June 11, 2010

To do List

So here is my plan, I will post all of the projects that I have in the works or ideas that I have and then I can come back here and link them up something fancy like that (oh yeah I am really good at run-on sentences....sometimes).
1. Super cute interchangable flip flops . I found the idea here
2. Also super cute hooded towel. Also found the idea here
3. Succeed at making a car seat tent. Found here
4. Awesome Diaper Keeper. Found here
5. Refashion some unwanted clothes
6. Make a Jean quilt
7. Make a bedroom set for my son.
8. Make a full apron. Tutorial found here

I will be adding to this as we go, but here is what I can think of right now. But since I frequently forget things that I want to make until something reminds me, I know there is more stuff!

What am I doing here

Ok, well I know that there are a lot of craft blogs out there and that another one might not be something special. However that is where you would be wrong. The special thing here is that I consider myself to be the least creative person I know (and I know a lot of un-creative people). So any craft or sewing project I do AND am happy with is such an accomplishment for me. So this blog is a happy place for me to celebrate my occasional stroke of genius. If four some odd reason you are inspired by one of my creations or copy cats of some elses creation then I am just on a role!!!